‘Think big’, I have been told many times over, but I love diving into the small details. This small ink drawing is part of the Inked Reveries series that are like snapshots of visual thoughts but pleasing in their own way.
Time Flowing is part of my memento mori phase, in which I dove into the various images artists have used throughout the ages to symbolize our mortality. Clocks ticking are often associated with the unstoppable passage of time. Especially in silence, the ticking sounds like a harsh verdict and something we cannot escape. Like with Hourglass, I wondered about what time feels like, instead of sounds like. Yes, it passes, but doesn’t it flow more than tick mechanically? I thought of waterfalls flowing, so much water rushing down. Sometimes time might feel like passing too fast – but what a sight to behold! What an experience to have! Yes, the clock is there, the moment passes, but the intensity is there for us to enjoy.
My Inked Reveries come together in their underlying theme of time and change. What will pass, what will remain?
The details:
Hand drawn with a dip pen and blue black ink on 100% cotton paper. Dimensions: 7,5 x 10 cm with rough natural edges. Excluding frame.